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Our Work With GetSkilled Australia


Training Video Content


GetSkilled Australia

Date Released:

May, 2018

Industry Skills Education - Video Support Training Resources for GetSkilled Australia

The Concept

GetSkilled Australia’s CEO, Josh, knew that he needed to innovate his Australian Industry Skills Education manuals to provide a better training experience for his students. He reached out to us with the idea of converting his training manuals into Video Support Training Resources. With the increasing demand for faster and more effective learning, Josh saw the potential of video training resources to help his students learn more efficiently. By using video resources to teach the theoretical aspect of the training, the students could then spend more time in the practical component, ensuring a more personalised and individualised training session. Additionally, Josh wanted to create visual resources that could be used to help foreign students understand the materials better, as he noticed that many international students struggled to keep up with the training. Our team worked closely with Josh to develop a series of video support training resources that met all his requirements and helped him achieve his training goals.

What Are Video Support Training Resources

Video support training resources are a form of instructional or educational videos that are designed to help users learn how to use a product or service. These videos can be used to provide step-by-step instructions, troubleshoot issues, or provide information on best practices. They can be used to supplement written documentation or to provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Video support training resources can be used in various ways such as:

  1. Onboarding: Introduce new users to the product or service and provide them with the information they need to get started.

  2. Troubleshooting: Provide solutions to common problems users may encounter while using the product or service.

  3. Feature walk-throughs: Provide detailed instructions on how to use different features of the product or service.

  4. Best practices: Provide guidance on how to use the product or service most effectively.

  5. How-to guides: Create short, focused videos that cover specific tasks or features.

  6. FAQs: Address frequently asked questions about the product or service.

These videos can be shared on various platforms like social media, website, email marketing, and can be used as a part of a customer support strategy to assist users in learning how to use the product or service and troubleshoot any issues they may encounter. They can also be used to provide training to employees and partners.

Excerpts from GetSkilled Australia's
Video Support Training Resources

How We Helped

To create effective Video Support Training Resources, our team collaborated closely with vocational trainers to understand their methods of training. We quickly realised that the scripting process would be straightforward since the trainers delivered set information every lesson. Our next step was to ask the trainers to record themselves delivering the training, which we then transcribed. Our scripting producer then converted the transcripts into the final scripts for the videos.

The Production Phase:

Using our teleprompter, our film crew captured all the training dialogue for 10 videos in just under 4 hours. However, since the videos were quite lengthy, we also captured supporting B-Roll footage to help viewers better comprehend the complex theoretical training. During filming, we were careful not to disturb the students or exams taking place that day. As planned during the pre-production stage, we efficiently captured all the necessary footage and branded titles to highlight key information.

The Post Production Phase:

Once filming was complete, we brought the footage into our in-house editing suite. Our editor laid out the footage alongside the voiceover track, while our Graphic Designer created all the branded titles. We conducted extensive research on font and colour choices to ensure that the additional content supported all styles of learning. Our editor then finalised the timeline for all ten Video Support Training Resources. We also sent the content off for additional transcription to create caption files for each video, which was crucial for non-English speaking users. Within three weeks, we delivered the final 10 supporting video resources to GetSkilled Australia.

The End Result

As a result of our Video Support Training Resources, Josh and his team have experienced remarkable success. Trainees have reported an easier time understanding the complex theoretical training, resulting in higher pass rates and quicker qualification for their desired positions. In fact, after watching the training videos we created, trainees were able to pass the test and qualify for their Forklift license as if they had used the machine themselves. Our team is proud to have contributed to the success of GetSkilled Australia, and we are confident that our Video Support Training Resources will continue to provide effective training solutions for years to come.

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