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DIY: Shooting Your Own Content

Small Business Tips

The Four Items Needed For Successful Video Content

What should be included in every video to ensure it is successful?

You’ve decided to promote your latest service, educate your customers with a how to instructional video or show your audience how your product works. But – what should you say? How should you say it? How will you convey your message in the shortest time possible but with the most impact!

 If you are like most business owners, this is where you get stuck – stuck even to the point where you don’t even create the video, or the blog, or the advertisement. So, in this video, I wanted to share with you the 4 items that should feature in every video in order for you to create successful video content.

First of all, you want to capture viewers attention in the first 7 seconds. You want them to stop scrolling and start watching. Use this time to tease content, ask an intriguing question, or present your value proposition – give them a reason to take time out of their day and watch your content.

In order to help viewers choose to watch your content instead of doing what they are currently doing, you also want to keep your content short and to the point. Avoid whaffling or filling the time with lots of ums, likes and you knows – respect your audience’s time and plan out your content. Write a script – this will keep you focused and on track. You may not need to script every single word, but certainly writing dot points will help to avoid the dreaded mind blank or brain fart and will stop your audience from tuning out.

Tip number 3 for creating successful video content – only feature 1 focus point per video. For example, there is heaps of content I could write about Video Marketing. If I put them all into 1 video – we would be here for years. For this video, I am only talking about what to include in your video content. 1 theme per video. This way you stay clear and succinct, and don’t risk overloading your customer and yourself.

Lastly, you want to include a Call To Action. Invite your viewers to take action after watching your video. Keep it short but still captivating and engaging enough to drive your audience to take action.

When you combine all 4 of these key points in your script, you will create successful video content for your business. Successful Video Content pulls in sales, finds new customers, and generates new leads. 

Successful Video Tip 1

First of all, you want to capture viewers attention in the first 7 seconds. You want them to stop scrolling and start watching. Use this time to tease content, ask an intriguing question, or present your value proposition – give them a reason to take time out of their day and watch your content.

Check Out An Example Here

Successful Video Tip 2

In order to help viewers choose to watch your content instead of doing what they are currently doing, you also want to keep your content short and to the point. Avoid whaffling or filling the time with lots of ums, likes and you knows – respect your audience’s time and plan out your content. Write a script – this will keep you focused and on track. You may not need to script every single word, but certainly writing dot points will help to avoid the dreaded mind blank or brain fart and will stop your audience from tuning out.

Check Out An Example Here

Is This a recipe for success?

YES! When you combine all 4 of these key points in your script, you will create successful video content for your business. Successful Video Content pulls in sales, finds new customers, and generates new leads. 

We’ve generated so many success stories with this process, and so many happy customers, who often return to us over and over again to generate powerful Video Content. I want the same for you, I want your business to succeed, for you to stand out above the noise online and for you to generate the results, the leads and the cash flow you want.

Successful Video Tip 3

Tip number 3 for creating successful video content – only feature 1 focus point per video. For example, there is heaps of content I could write about Video Marketing. If I put them all into 1 video – we would be here for years. For this video, I am only talking about what to include in your video content. 1 theme per video. This way you stay clear and succinct, and don’t risk overloading your customer and yourself.

Check Out An Example Here

Successful Video Tip 4

Lastly, you want to include a Call To Action. Invite your viewers to take action after watching your video. Keep it short but still captivating and engaging enough to drive your audience to take action.

When you combine all 4 of these key points in your script, you will create successful video content for your business. Successful Video Content pulls in sales, finds new customers, and generates new leads.

Check Out An Example Here

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We’ve generated so many success stories with this process, and so many happy customers, who often return to us over and over again to generate powerful Video Content. I want the same for you, I want your business to succeed, for you to stand out above the noise online and for you to generate the results, the leads and the cash flow you want. If you found the information useful in this video – I’d love to hear from you – leave me a comment. And, if you want more tips and techniques around Video Marketing delivered straight to your inbox, then click this link here.